fuel pump failure

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fuel pump failure

Post by johnny46 » Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:06 pm

Hi al

ok so today was a big day, firing the engine up and breaking the cam in, well that was the plan. Its not ran for 2 and a half years as the whole carc and engine has been restored. we couldnt get any fuel to the carb so have decided to change the fuel pump as we removed each hose and tried to suck fuel out of a clear container and all it did was blow bubbles from each hose.

does anyone have a new pump before i ring robin tomo?? no problem if not but what i would like to know is, is there anyway after i replace the new pump of priming it? ie sucking on the inlet from the fuel tank so that the fuel is prime in the line??

cheers all

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Re: fuel pump failure

Post by bhm1712 » Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:12 pm

it should self prime. The tank is higher than the pump inlet and so tank head pressure will force the petrol into the pump body. If the tank has fuel in it, as soon as you disconnect the pipe from the tank at the inlet the fuel should come rushing out of the pipe until you clamp it. if its not doing this, it would suggest a blockage in the fuel line somewhere. The pump needs that head pressure to work initially. without it then it won't easily prime.
Ian Hopkinson - Membership Manager & Forum Administrator
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POC Jr. Poster
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Joined: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:03 am
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Name: Johnny walker
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Location: Crewe Cheshire

Re: fuel pump failure

Post by johnny46 » Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:42 pm

cheers Ian point noted parts coming this week so will let you know what happens :thumb:

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